Zaindy Alaskhanov «Family Tree»

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Zaindy Alaskhanov’s «Family Tree»
A man with kind eyes and unfathomable soul, used to be a famous sportsman, an honored trainer of Russia nowadays, Zaindy Alaskhanov has filled in his name in many bright pages in the history of native and international freestyle wrestling. As he was winning cups and medals his interest in art, especially painting, was growing and one day the learning process resulted in logically – he took a brush and lost himself in creative process. Many years have passed since his thinking changed and he felt passion for painting, being unknown before, but stealing over talented self-taught artist. That was time of fruitful, intensive work, time of unexpected discoveries, embarrassing mistakes and artistic achievements, time of critical analysis and creative trips…
Slowly, the key components of the artist’s painting became to emerge - national spirit and patriotism. The strong influence of the Russian art can be found in realistic works of Alaskhanov, particularly the close entwinement with nature. The author’s images of people and native land are inseparable in the same way. The portraits and landscapes in oils are his favorite genres. Scintillating with colors they are mainly endued with amazing spirit of appeasement and absolute purity. The pictures “Spring in Itum-Kali”, “Kharachoy”, “Itum-Kali. Black Mountains” are extremely poetic… As if the author had dropped his lyric cheer on his pictures. The artist’s intensions to impart half-tones with self-sustainable sound can be found among his later works “Old House at Itum-Kali”, “Kasenoy-Am Lake”. This has become possible through well color-mixing and short touches. The lyric landscape “To the Wellspring” is infused with bright joy of remembered childhood. The uphill unsealed road runs above a gorge, there are people and livestock walking this road to the wellspring. A Chechen village is at the bottom of this gorge. The houses are almost close by the boiling streams of the torrential river. The big mountain range dominates over this vivid space, the lonely house on the horizon and the spreading oak on the right corner of the picture, with its huge roots pointing upwards, once more remind of the author’s family roots.
During his stay at small motherland he works en plein-air with a big pleasure, making numerous sketches, while away from his folks and favorite landscapes he refers to his phenomenal memory in order to revive the details of any landscape or uses the popular device – photo camera. The panoramic demonstration of his native land and taste for monumentality get stable authorial trend both in national and Russian landscapes.
With charming frankness and earnestness the artist depicts rural people, Chechnya’s prominent men, relatives and friends, revealing their characters in work, on vacation or in other domestic scenes. Praising his characters’ weekdays and holidays, the author is joyful, proud with them, empathizes and grieves. Such works as “The Family Tree”, “Timur in Burka”, “A Talk With the Wriend” are painted with the bright, clear colors… The philosophic underlying ideas appear subtly, even distantly together with compositional clearness and successful colouring. To unveil the inner world of the depicted people is a principle task for Alaskhanov, and since they are inseparably connected with the national traditions, the author’s device is rather clear – to present them in their traditional clothes – burkas, chokhas, sheepskin hats etc.
Performed in an expert manner, ‘Portrait of Mother” is the very picture of motherly wisdom and patience. The older woman in a kerchief - you can feel a reverie in her look, obviously related to the memories of the past. Her delicate features evidences the beauty in her young days, her tight lips witness the strength of character, which helped her to stand during hard years of exile. The kind eyes with narrowed lids show her cordial and humble character. Zaindy is one of ten children she has brought up, strong in spirit.
Other portrait named “The legend of Woman” is full of aesthetic beauty and dramatic nature too. The painter depicted the main character of the family legend of a beautiful ancestor, whose will and courage were as extraordinary as her beauty.
Original, full of good energy paintings will be presented on his solo exhibition “Family Tree” at the prefecture of South-Western Administrative District of Moscow in April and May, 2014 under the patronage of “Belyaevo” capital gallery.

Curator of the exhibition Thomas Harutunyan

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