During creation of Academy the organizations have been founded:
- Tomsk Institute of environmental problems and health,
- Institute of safety of traffic,
- Institute of physical and chemical problems of evolution,
- Institute of ecological biophysical chemistry,
- Institute applied kinetic's,
- The Kiev macromolecular Institute,
- The scientific and technical center at Moskovsk power institute,
- The St.-Petersburg Center of research development and examinations,
- Institute of commerce and the right,
- Fund of pharmaceutical initiatives,
- The center of visual and drama art,
- The producer center "Kinovek" and others
Members of the Academy make outstanding contributions to prestigious international arts projects by performing in renowned theatres and concert halls or designing monuments and sculptures worldwide.
Leading world athletes - members of the Academy participate in popular sport events and serve as models for younger generation. Many members of the Academy head sports schools in various countries.
Every year members of the Academy publish dozen of monographs and textbooks in various languages.
Several magazines are published under the aegis of the Academy and its units. The most popular are "The Summary of Technologies", "Clinical Medicine", "The Ukrainian Journal of Polymers".
The outstanding activities of some members of the Academy are reflected in international reference and biographical literature, such as "Dictionary of International Biography", "Men of Achievement", "The Who's Who of Intellectuals", "Who's Who in Music", "Who's Who in World", "Who's Who in Modern World", "International Man of the Year", "Five Hundred Leaders of Influence" and other encyclopaedias, publications in Great Britain, the USA, Italy, France, Germany, Russia and Japan.
Many members of the Academy have been granted by national and international honorary titles, prizes, awards.
The Academy has strengthened lately its business contact with a number of prestige, scientific and creative institutions and associations in Russia and abroad. Among them, in particular, are the following:
- International Academy of Science,
- International Academy of Science of High School,
- Russian Academy of Natural Science,
- Russian Engineering Academy,
- Russian Engineering Academy n.a. A.M.Prokhorov,
- Russian Academy of Medicine,
- Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction,
- Russian Academy of Arts,
- Academy of World Literature,
- International Academy of Book and Book Arts,
- International Union of Economists,
- Foreign Policy Association,
- International Union of Musicians,
- M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU),
- Moscow State Technical University n.a. N.E. Bauman (MSTU),
- I.M.Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy,
- Russian Academy of Music n.a. Gnesiny,
- Maly Drama Theater,
- Tretyakov Art Gallery,
- Universities and scientific centers of the USA, UK, Germany, Canada, Republic of China, Korea, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Japan etc.